Monday, January 12, 2009

2009: Year of the Budget

I have been stuck in a little new year's resolution rut. 2007 was the year of patience. When 2008 rolled around TEB expressed his opinion that perhaps patience could use a bit more work. Disgruntled as I was upon hearing this, I figured that TEB probably knew what he was talking about. He does after all live with me.

Here are my goals for 2009:

1. BUDGET - Twelve days into 2009 I declare this the year of the BUDGET. Just hearing the word budget makes me want to take a beta-blocker. But I am going conquer my anxiety by making a budget and tracking where my money is going. I am going to keep track of my money using MINT. This is a free online program that allows you to download your account information from the bank and it works on the ipod touch!

2. DETOX - I'm glad I can already check this one off my list. See all my detox posts here. I can still work on trying new juicing recipes that promote good health.

3. RELAX - I am sure you will not be surprised to find out that I am a little high-strung. I am going to work on a more regular yoga practice. I am hoping to practice 5 days a week and somehow quiet my brain during those 5 minutes of shivasana at the end of class.

photo credit: phrenology head, found via Black*Eiffel, created by D. Sharp Journal. You can download the template here.

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