Saturday, June 21, 2008

About Me: Starting the day...

I am a morning person but I live with a night person. This has forced us to compromise such that one stays up a little later than they normally would and the other goes to bed a little earlier. It works. This morning I woke up early, watched a few episodes of Gilmore Girls while crocheting, and am just finishing up my morning posting while siting on the porch. It is time to start the day. I wish I had one of these tubs for motivation. I'm smitten with tubs. Remember that Toast tub I posted about in November. See it here.

photo credit: tubs from old anthropologie catalogs


eMpTy said...

you would probably like these hot springs located in central Utah... check it out...

eMpTy said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that you should totally check out the buses that have been converted into cabins... intriguing...