Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Being Green: More Classic Bikes

I have mentioned my love of classic bikes here and here. I have two more to add to the growing list: the Skeppshult Nature and Electra Amsterdam bikes. The Skeppshult is outrageously expensive at ~1900$ and the Electra hovers in the 500$ range depending on what model you purchase. I am at a crossroads with my current bike. Recently the gear shifting has gotten a little wonky and I broke one of the gear shifters. My bike also does not fit on our car bike rack so it might be time for an upgrade.

Skeppshult (found via Frolic's guest post on Amanda's Favs)
Electra None of these bikes are in my price range but I think that I can find something similar at local used-bike shops. I randomly stopped into a neat shop called Velo Culture Bicycles, which is currently in the process of moving from Birdrock to South Park. They had a few promising options and I hope to check out these other used-bike shops:
Peddle Pushing Bike Shop
Thomas Bike Shop
Ye Olde Bicycle Shop and Cafe

Have any recommendations?

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I love that Electra one too! I just saw one parked on the street yesterday and was drooling!